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Human Performance Technology

Needs Assessment and Analysis

The ACS Division of Polymer Chemistry greatly values meeting the needs of the organization. Every five years, it completes a strategic planning event to identify gaps in performance for achieving the mission and vision of the organization. In Spring 2021 and in coordination with graduate studies coursework, AJ Chavez (fellow student) and I completed an independent needs assessment for the organization. The following are supporting documents that the Division has incorporated into their future planning.

Needs Assessment, action plan

Human Performance Assessment

Human Performance Assessment is concerned with the theory, design, and evaluation of measurement instruments used to assess individual knowledge, performance, and attitudes. Topics include fundamentals of measurement, reliability, validity, and instrument selection, construction, and use. The following experience was a train-the-trainer experience on the topic of hiring neurodivergent workers. The assessments were reverse-engineered from a review of the instruction. The general design process:



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