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Program Coordinator
ACS Division of Polymer Chemistry, Inc.

Strategic Planning

The Division greatly values meeting the needs of the organization. Every five years, it completes a strategic planning event to identify gaps in performance for achieving the mission and vision of the organization. In Spring 2021 and in coordination with graduate studies coursework, AJ Chavez and I completed an independent needs assessment for the organization. The following are supporting documents that the Division has incorporated into their future planning.

Plan moving forward

POLY Workshops


Over my twenty-one-year employment with a national club, my work involves organization of three to five topical workshops per year on the latest advances in science. The following offers the steps for organizing a successful workshop over the one- to two-year cycle. I am selecting this experience to demonstrate my leadership with project management and my interaction with other lecturers who have specific needs for organizing post-college seminars and presenting to audiences. 

Who is POLY and why workshops?
Considerations for location.
What does the POLY Business Office do?
The approval process.
The timeline.
What do Volunteer Organizers do?
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